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Next Regular Board Meeting, Will be held in person on July 9, 2024  TUESDAY @5:30 pm at the Hornbrook Elementary School, 15430 Oregon Rd., Hornbrook, Ca. 96044.  To attend by phone, please dial 1-669-900-6833, when prompted enter the code  880 8794 4952#,  then enter the pass code 96044# when prompted; or join by zoom     





Tuesday July 9, 2024 at 5:30 pm

at the

Hornbrook School, 15430 Oregon Rd, Hornbrook Ca.

Or Attend by Phone,Please Dial 1-669-900-6833 at 5:30 pm. When prompted,
enter the code  880 8794 4952#, then enter the pass code 96044# when prompted or join by zoom:



Board of Directors: Robert Puckett, Melissa Puckett Tulledo, Nancy Ryce and Matthew Stone;

1. Pledge of Allegiance:

2 Call To Order:

3. Roll Call:

4. . PUBLIC COMMENT: Any person may address the Board at this time on any matter within the jurisdiction of the District. A maximum of three minutes is allowed per person. Written comments may be presented to the Board of Directors. Any person wishing to address the Board on an item ON THE AGENDA will be given the opportunity at that time. No action will be taken on non-agenda issues:

5. Discussion and Possible Approval of Minutes: Special meeting minutes of June 24 , 2024;

6. Approve and Authorize Signatures: on Warrant Authorization Form for District expenses

received through July 9, 2024. A list of the bills to be paid will be read to the board and public at the meeting, plus payroll:

7. Discussion and Possible Action: Adopting the Recommended Budget for the fiscal year 2024/2025;

8.  Board Member Comments and Questions: At this time, members of the Board may ask questions of the staff, request reports be made at a later date, or ask to place an item on a future agenda on any subject within the Board’s jurisdiction. Directors may make comments on any topic not listed on the agenda but may not be acted upon:

11. Adjournment:  

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Meeting agendas and written materials supporting agenda items, if produced, can be received by the public for free in advance of the meeting by any of the following options: 1. A paper copy mailed pursuant to a written request and payment of associated mailing fees. 2. An electronic copy received by email. Note – if you would like electronic copies, please email prior to the Board meeting. Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance: If you require special assistance to participate in Board Meetings, please contact an HCSD Board Member. Advance notification will enable the District to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility. 

Signed, Board Secretary:________________________ Dated:_____________________