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Water System Damage from July 5 Fire

The District has assessed the damage to the Hornbrook water system resulting from the July 5 fire.  The water system is currently empty due to the flow of water used through District fire hydrants and the lack of electrical power to operate the District wells to refill the system.  The electrical, piping and well buildings at one of the District's three groundwater wells was destroyed, and the roof covering the District's main water storage reservoir burned and fell into the remaining water. 

Unfortunately, the remaining two District wells are not outfitted with the appropriate electrical connections to be operated with a portable generator, and the piping connections do not exist to bypass the damaged reservoir. 

Burned Well #2

Hornbrook CSD employees, with assistance from Siskiyou County, have been diligently working to remove the charred debris from the water reservoir, and electrical and building contractors will soon be installing inter-connections for portable generators, so the two wells can be operated to fill the system, which must then be flushed of debris, and sampled for bacteria and other possible contaminants.  Once power returns, with the two wells running continuously and water needed to flush the system, it could take several days for the water tanks and all th empty pipes to fill to normal.  

The boil water order will remain in effect until the state provides approval to lift the order.  We are working with state and local officials to hopefully secure a supply of bottled water, and we hope to have water service restored by the end off the weekend. 

Reservoir #1

Once water service is restored, please run the faucets in your home only long enough to receive clear water.  DO NOT USE WATER FROM THE SYSTEM TO IRRIGATE PLANTS, WASH CARS OR OTHER OUTDOOR USES.  Water is only to be used for sanitation (toilets, washing hands, and bathing), pet water and consumption AFTER boiling per the Boil water notice. 

Please follow this website for updates.  Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.